Payroll Services for Construction Sub-contractors
Many construction sub-contractors wish to retain their self-employed status, but may find it hard to understand and comply with the complex CIS regulations surrounding the handling of payments.
As an important member of the construction industry's flexible workforce it is vital that your employment status as a self-employed sub-contractor remains secure.
Our Payroll Service helps remove any confusion, offering sub-contractors the opportunity to retain the responsibility of their own employment status, ensure that all CIS regulations are met and provides individuals with the opportunity to make huge savings compared to receiving payments through PAYE.
Contractors and Agencies
Our service promises to remove the burden of the complex and time-consuming verification and reporting processes required by CIS rules and regulations. We provide you with one invoice for all of your sub-contractors drastically reducing the amount of time and paperwork required to comply with current legislation.
How can we help?
Whether you are an individual contractor or represent an agency who wants to get the very best for your workforce, Master Payroll Service’s lets you enjoy a reliable service that guarantees to look after your interests and put you first.